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The apple varieties listed below are orchard favorites and highly recommended for fresh eating. Many of these varieties also make fantastic cider due to their high sugar content and ample acidity. I've highlighted a few standouts in the "Also Cider!" section.

I offer one hint as you go about your selection: Hone in on the 'ugly' apples. How did such unremarkable fruits find hospitable homes for centuries without fail? Flavor, my friend, flavor.

1-9 Trees = $30/tree
10-19 Trees= $25/tree (16% discount)
20+ Trees = $20/tree (33% discount)

Quantity discounts are automatically applied at checkout.

All apples varieties are grafted onto Mailing-Merton 111 Rootstock, sold as 3' whips, and shipped at the appropriate time for outdoor planting in Spring. 


Apple Trees

Court Pendu Plat

Sold out
Product Details

Unknown Parentage, Europe 1600s or Earlier

I grafted Court Pendu Plat trees in anticipation of the variety's fruiting this fall. Unfortunately none of the trees set fruit, and so I'm unable to 100% verify its integrity. Given the fact that my scions came directly from the USDA's GRIN program, I'm still offering Court Pendu Plat trees for sale, albeit with the aforementioned stipulation. In the rare case these trees prove not true-to-type, I will mail all customers correct scionwood once obtained and verified.

Joan Morgan was given free reign of the famed National Fruit Collections at Brogdale Orchard, England to write The New Book of Apples. She notes:

"Court Pendu Plat is rich, fruity, with strong pineapple-like acidity; mellows to become sweet, scented, yet still intensely flavored in February"

The conservators at Geneva's USDA orchard express similar reverence for Court Pendu Plat, as evidenced by its passport description:

"flesh firm, crisp, yellowish white. flavor sweet, rich, perfumed... Excellent dessert apple. Pick Late. Keeps until April. Small, hardy, upright tree, precocious yielding, scab resistant, suitable for heavy soils."

GRIN's observations:
Brix: 19
Harvest: Early October
Flowering: Late-Season

Court Pendu Plat
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