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The apple varieties listed below are orchard favorites and highly recommended for fresh eating. Many of these varieties also make fantastic cider due to their high sugar content and ample acidity. I've highlighted a few standouts in the "Also Cider!" section.

I offer one hint as you go about your selection: Hone in on the 'ugly' apples. How did such unremarkable fruits find hospitable homes for centuries without fail? Flavor, my friend, flavor.

1-9 Trees = $30/tree
10-19 Trees= $25/tree (16% discount)
20+ Trees = $20/tree (33% discount)

Quantity discounts are automatically applied at checkout.

All apples varieties are grafted onto Mailing-Merton 111 Rootstock, sold as 3' whips, and shipped at the appropriate time for outdoor planting in Spring. 


Apple Trees

Intense Flavor

Sold out
Ashmead's Kernel
Ashmead's Kernel
Ashmead's Kernel
A flume ride for your taste buds
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Barnack Orange
Barnack Orange
Barnack Orange
Glowing orbs of apple bliss - save them for yourself and those you love
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Cherry Cox
Cherry Cox
Cherry Cox
A fruity-flavored sport of Cox's Orange Pippin that delivers similar exceptional flavor
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Colvis Spice
Colvis Spice
Colvis Spice
Something great awaits under that rough exterior
Sold out
Court Pendu
Court Pendu
Court Pendu
A fantastic apple to enjoy even if you're not a Roman gladiator
Sold out
Cox's Orange Pippin
Cox's Orange Pippin
Cox's Orange Pippin
An exceptional apple with transcendent flavor
Sold out
Ermen's Russet
Ermen's Russet
Ermen's Russet
Insanely good - a modern russet apple whose flavor exceeds the British classics
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Gold Rush
Gold Rush
Gold Rush
aka Endorphin Rush - exceptionally crispy, tangy, and sweet.
Sold out
Lucombe's Pine
Lucombe's Pine
Lucombe's Pine
Alternatively named 'Party Time for Taste Buds'
Sold out
Norfolk Royal Russet
Norfolk Royal Russet
Norfolk Royal Russet
Norfolk Royal Russets taste part pear, part apple, and all delicious
Sold out
Padley's Pippin
Padley's Pippin
Padley's Pippin
Makes you thankful for each one of your mouth's 3,000 taste buds
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Feeling whimsical? Pixie is a great choice
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Pomme Grise
Pomme Grise
Pomme Grise
Distills the flavor of a 4" apple into a 2" orb of delciousness
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Reinette Clochard
Reinette Clochard
Reinette Clochard
Excellent dual-purpose French apple
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Reinette de Chenee
Reinette de Chenee
Reinette de Chenee
An all-around orchard standout - vigorous, scab-resistant, precocious, delicious
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Reinette Grise
Reinette Grise
Reinette Grise
Exceptionally flavored apple in compact, disease-resistant tree
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If Sandow is an apple that tastes like raspberry, does that mean a raspberry also tastes like apple?
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Scarlet Nonpareil
Scarlet Nonpareil
Scarlet Nonpareil
Scarlet Nonpareil's beauty is far from skin-deep
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Sergeant Russet
Sergeant Russet
Sergeant Russet
Step aside Razor Russet - there's a new Golden Delicious sport in town
Sold out
An apple worthy of a pardon?
Sold out
Swiss Limbertwig
Swiss Limbertwig
Swiss Limbertwig
Perfectly captures the sugars and lively tang of the best blended fresh apple cider
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When you want a little bit of a lot of flavor
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